January 23, 2023 MEETING MINUTES
Attendance: Judy Nordstrom, Theresa Smith, Debbie Bonner, Alice Martin, Katie Keim, Teresa Litchfield, Paula Briney, Tae Erickson , John Simpson and Marilyn Weber.
Meeting was called to order at 7:07.
The Classic TD Susan Moran has a conflict and cannot be our TD. There was discussion on when her contract was signed and if she needs to find her replacement. Heather Peterson our show secretary will be contacted to check on the contract.
Old minutes on the write board were discussed and were sent. Last meetings minutes were approved with a motion from Alice and a second by Marilyn.
Teresa Smith gave a USDF convention report. She attended various meetings and will talk with Deb about utilizing the website to better advantage. The marketing seminar had some good website ideas. Teresa gave a convention and Pony Club recap that will be in the reader.
Alice would like CLD added to the AVS and schooling show prize list. Marilyn contacted Chelsea Wesson and she will check with AHA about restrictions.
Making the meeting minutes available to the membership on the website was discussed
Alice would like the date for Firecracker to add to the calendar.
The treasurer report was sent via email to the board.
Alice is working on the newsletter. Quarterly editions are planned.
Debbie now has access to the website. She discussed different options for the website integrating social media, the newsletter and other information into the website. Alice will do “meet the board” for the newsletter and it will be on the website. Judy would like the first newsletter to list the board and positions and include pictures.
A tentative date for Firecracker is planned for July 22 at Tower Hill. Debbie moved and Teresa Litchfield seconded. Motion carried. (NOTE: OFFICIAL DATE FOR FIRECRACKER IS JULY 1.)
Paula is working on educational programs. Dr Luthin giving a talk about horses in the movies was suggested. A ride a test clinic was a possibility. A valentine social is being planned for 2/19 from 2-4. Other program ideas are for emergency care, taking vitals, braiding and a toxic plant webinar.
At our next meeting we will address the possible use of Pay Pal or Venmo.
John will be given the information on the person who has not paid their Firecracker show fees.
Judy will talk to Karl Luthin about giving his movie presentation sometime in March.
The Classic I and II dates at the fairgrounds have been confirmed. (June 24-25)
The next meeting will be 2/20.
Motion to adjourn was made by Teresa Smith and seconded by Deb. Meeting adjourned at 8:41.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Weber