StarWest is a dressage educational facility offering classical training for horse and rider located in NewBerlin, IL.
Freedom of Movement
Freedom of Movement offers riding lessons, training, boarding, breeding and showing for FEI Dressage and eventing located in White Heath, IL
Tower Hill Equestrian Center
Tower Hill is a 25 acre boarding and training facility conveniently located in Dawson, Illinois featuring two large barns, offering 35 permanent stalls, with additional stalls for show or short-term board available.
Studio 131, Steve Todd Photography
CenterLine Dressage is honored to have had Studio 131 photograph many of our past events
United States Dressage Federation
The United States Dressage Federation (USDF) is dedicated to education, recognition of achievement, and promotion of dressage.
USDF - Tests
2023 tests are effective from 12/1/2022 to 11/30/2026.
United States Equestrian Federation
The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) is the National Governing Body for Equestrian Sport
USEF - Safe Sport
The U.S. Center for SafeSport was created to address the issue of abuse in sport. The Center works with National Governing Bodies, including US Equestrian, to enforce the SafeSport Code and the Federal Safe Sport Act. The policies in both the Code and Federal Law are aimed at protecting athletes from harm and abuse and apply to all Olympic and amateur sporting disciplines.
Western Dressage Association of America
The Western Dressage Association of America (WDAA) is an Educational Not for Profit with a 501c3 status. Our primary focus is on education about and the promotion of Western Dressage. The United States Equestrian Federation has recognized WDAA as the sole affiliate representing the discipline of Western Dressage.
WDAA - Tests
The WDAA 2017 tests were retired March 1, 2022. Only WDAA 2022 tests can be used in western dressage classes.
Western Dressage Association of Illinois
The Western Dressage Association® of Illinois is dedicated to providing you with all the resources you need to learn and connect with people in the industry.