CLD Horse Nomination and Score Submission

Nominate your horse and submit your scores for CLD year-end awards at our annual Awards Banquet

  • Use this form to nominate your horse for CLD year-end awards. CLD year-end awards are for specific horse/rider combinations. A separate form must be submitted for each horse/rider combination per year. Horse/rider combination nomination is appreciated before scores are earned.

    Membership fees for both rider and horse owner must be current.


  • Use this form to submit your scores for CLD year end awards. CLD year end awards are for specific horse/rider combinations. A separate form must be submitted for each horse/rider/level combination.

    A rider riding a horse at two levels will complete two separate forms.

    Deadline extended to October 25,2024

    If you are submitting scores from a schooling show, you will need to send documentation of your scores to the Award Chair