CLD Feb 20, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Present Theresa, Judy, Debbie, Paula, Susan, Katie, Tae, John and Mariln
The minutes from last meeting were sent by email. Judy motion to approve, Debbie seconded motion. Motion carried

Old Business : the travel reimbursement document prepared by Katie will be adjusted and brought to the March meeting for a vote

New business: Theresa told us that Alice would like to see the club offer more educational material rather than bringing in a clinician.

Jennifer Kotylo will be at Pratense farms the first weekend in March for a clinic.

Cindy Ishoy will be at Starwest March 10th so the bandaging clinic will be at Pratense.

ARAB INC will host an educational clinic at the fairgrounds March 23rd. It will feature microchipping, taking vitals, bandaging, braiding and a tack sale. It will be at the livestock center. The clinic is free but there is a fee for those wishing to have their horse microchipped.

Theresa needs a volunteer coordinator for icebreaker.

Milton will work as chair for sponsorships at Classic. Judy told us about how we handled sponsorships and advertising in the past. She can talk to Milton about it. PDF, JPEG or PNG high resolution photos would be needed for the program. The sponsorship form can list things like pizza party, classes, ribbons, and welcome basket in addition to just ads. Also on the committee are Judy, Debbie, Theresa and Paula.

Tae reported that the ribbons have been ordered. Cost will be approximately $1,000.00 for about 400 ribbons.

Tae will post the minutes to write board

Katie sent the financials with a $17,57.43 balance

Paula reported that the staffing has been completed except for EMT. John will be available to help out as a day manager at Classic.

A judge is neede for firecracker.

We currently have 38 members

Debbie updated us on the website. She is updating the emails on the website. If you get any unusual don’t open them just forward them to her and she can use the CLD email account

Theresa would like CLD to have an Instagram account. Instagram cannot do links.
Judy, Debbie and Theresa will work on the FB page

USDF will be making a bit fitting video available and also some of the other videos from convention.

March 19th is the next meeting.

John made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Paula. Motion carried

Meeting adjourned at 7:40
Respectfully submitted


CLD Board Meeting June 24, 2024


CLD Nov 1, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes