January 21, 2021 MEETING MINUTES
CLD Board Meeting Minutes January 21, 2021
President Teresa Litchfield called the meeting to order at 2:07pm. Attending our Webex meeting tonight is Alice Martin, Leslie Burket, John Simpson, Marilyn Weber, Paula Briney, Judy Nordstrom and Kate Fleming-Kuhn.
Following are the electronic communications that were executed between board meetings:
Jordan Wilton made a motion and Alice Martin seconded to accept the minutes of the October 19, 2020 meeting of the CLD Board. The October 2020 minutes were approved with one abstention.
Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, we realized we could have neither a November or December meeting and we would not be able to gather together for the Annual Year End Awards Banquet. A plan was developed to have all awards delivered to the recipients. We all thank John Simpson for shouldering this task! The recipients were thrilled to receive their awards. THANK YOU John!
IceBreaker will be May 1st, 2021
FireCracker will be July 10th, 2021.
Locations to be announced. If available, we will be at Tower Hill again.
Teresa Litchfield will be the Show Manager for both shows.
Alice Martin will secure judges for each show.
Bank balance: $3864.68
Savings: $25,973.57
Current net loss for 2020: ($1809.34)
Because there were no payments over $600, there is no need to file a 1099 this year
Katie will be filing the 2020 99N soon
Next month we look forward to reports for the following: Membership, Web Master, Newsletter, Social Media, Awards, and Symposium.
Teresa announced that John will no longer be our Day Manager for our annual Classic I & II shows. John still plans on helping with the planning of the show, finding the judges, etc for the coming show season. We discussed hiring a show manager. Anyone interested in taking on this task, please contact Teresa Litchfield.
Paula has been working with the Illinois Horse Council in an effort to put together a schooling show that would work for this pandemic environment. She asked if CLD might want to partner with them. It will be an open dressage and western dressage show with hopes of having a one day full show. Horse Fair has now been cancelled, so March 6th and 7th will be available for the show. We will have to decide whether to hold a one day or two day show and how many rides we would need to make it profitable. Paula will get back with us when she has more information.
Our next Webex meeting will the February 21, 2021 at 4pm.
Marilyn motioned and Judy seconded to adjourn today’s meeting at 3:25pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Leslie Burket