October 19, 2020 MEETING MINUTES
CLD Board Meeting Minutes October 19, 2020
President Teresa Litchfield called the October meeting to order. Attending our WebX meeting tonight is Casey Eitens, Leslie Burket, Katie Keim, John Simpson, Marilyn Weber, Paula Briney and Alice Martin.
The deadline for all Annual Reports to be to Teresa is November 7, 2020.
Teresa announced that due to horse show schedules and other commitments, the September Board meeting was cancelled.
Following are the electronic communications that were executed between board meetings:
A motion has been made by Alice Martin, and seconded by Marilyn Weber, to accept the August 2020 minutes. Voting was unanimous – the minutes are approved.
Paula Briney motioned, and Martin Kuhn seconded, to accept the proposed slate of officers to the CLD Board:
Casey Eiten
Kate Fleming-Kuhn
John Simpson
Marilyn Weber
The slate for the election has been completed and Martin has prepared and distributed the ballots to all members. A confirmation of ballot receipt was sent to all that voted. Leslie has the collection of votes.
Bank balance: $3,349.88
Savings: $25,954.97
Current net loss for 2020: ($2,342.74)
Jordan reports we have 45 members on the roster
As we will not be hosting our Annual Awards Banquet this year, due to the on-going COVID-19 virus, a lively discussion of solutions for awards and possible ways for distributing them was discussed. For recognized shows, nominations for year-end awards are already closed. However, the closing date for schooling show nominations is October 31, 2020.
As we have a fair collection of previous awards, Casey will be on the look-out for any other good deals for year-end awards.
As Monday night is not a favored evening for meetings, board members have requested trying a Thursday evening to see if Board meeting attendance improves. Our next meeting is our annual meeting and is scheduled for November 19, 2020, 7pm, via Cisco Webex Meetings.
Marilyn motioned and Paula seconded, to adjourn our meeting at 7:40pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Leslie Burket