CLD Board Meeting Minutes May 16, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm by President Teresa Litchfield. Attending were Teresa Litchfield, Casey Eiten, Katie Keim, Alice Martin, Paula Briney and Marilyn Weber.

Treasurer's Report - Katie Keim

  • Cash: $5500.00

  • Savings: 21,000.00

  • Loss for the year: $3300.00

Schooling Shows

  • Teresa reported that IceBreaker had a good turn out.

  • We are at capacity with stalls at Towerhill for our schooling shows. If we continue to have our shows at Tower Hill, we will need to secure additional stalls or riders will have to tie-out.

  • A potential solution is to move our schooling shows to the Fair Grounds. Paula will look into dates for our schooling shows.

Classic Shows

  • Teresa is to meet with John Simpson to discuss the responsibilities of managing the Classic Shows and all that needs to be done. That will be shared with the board.

  • John reported to Teresa that the Fair Grounds has given our show dates away to the World Appaloosa Horse Show for the next three years. Paula confirmed this.

  • Discussion included looking for a different venue, partnering with another show or securing a different date. And last, but not least - skip this year and get dates for next year.

  • Jeanne has opened registration for riders.

  • Paula Briney will be the Volunteer Chair for the Classic shows.

Teresa indicated that in the near future we will meet, once again, in person, along with WebX, for those who travel will have an option.

Our next Meeting will be Sunday, June 20th, 2021, at 7pm via WebEx. See you then!

Paula Briney motioned to adjourn the meeting and Marilyn seconded. Teresa adjourned the meeting at 7:40p.

Respectfully submitted,
Leslie Burket


August 15, 2021 MEETING MINUTES


April 18, 2021 MEETING MINUTES