CLD Board Meeting Minutes June 15, 2020
Our June 15, 2020 meeting was called to order at 6:08 pm by President Teresa Litchfield, via Cisco Webex Meetings. Present at today’s meeting was Teresa Litchfield, Marilyn Weber, Judy Nordstrom, Katie Keim, Rob Nordstrom (briefly attended in his hazmat suit), and Paula Briney, by phone.
Bank Bal: $4,461.88
Savings: $25,933.83
Current net loss for 2020: ($1,251.88)
We’ve incurred expenses for insurance, website updates and horse fair sponsorships. Not much in membership income to offset the expenses yet.
Nothing to report.
via email, Jordan reports that we currently have 39 members on our roster
The first item of business was to amend the original motion to pay Jeanne Craver $2,000.00 because, as Katie made us aware, CLD cannot give loans being a 501-3C organization. Based on the fact that Jeanne would normally be paid $1200 for doing the show, we agreed to pay her $500 for the work done thus far for the Classic prize list and for the 2020 omnibus. Judy motioned, Marilyn seconded.
Teresa asked for discussion on whether to hold our Firecracker schooling show this year. Outsiders will not be allowed inside Tower Hill barn and will only be allowed to utilize the 11 detached stalls for the show. The judge requests that the scribe remain at least 6 ft away or have a screen to separate them. Bright Star and the NEC are also holding shows on that same weekend. Paula states she may have 5 or so horses to bring and Teresa will reach out to others who would typically attend and see if they plan to enter the show. FireCracker is scheduled for 7/11/20.
Teresa will check with John to see if he has ordered more ribbons.
Paula reported that Morgan Jubilee contacted her regarding renting our ring for their show on September 2-3. Further discussion to follow.
Judy will leave refund checks from USEF for Katie on the round table at SW. These are refunds from cancelling CLD I and CLD II. Both are the same amount, $90.00.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday July 27, 2020 at 7pm, via Cisco Webex Meetings.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:49 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Judy Nordstrom for Leslie Burket