September 19, 2021 MEETING MINUTES

CLD Board Meeting Minutes September 19, 2021

President Teresa Litchfield called the meeting to order at 7:15pm.

Attending were: Judy Nordstrom, Katie Keim, Marilyn Weber, Alice Martin and Paula Briney. Alice Martin carried a proxy for Martin Kuhn and Kate Fleming-Kuhn.


  • Checking: $6,062.31

  • Savings: $27,004.33

  • Net income: $3,228.39


  • Jordan reports that we currently have 46 active members.


Email Newsletter Stats

  • Newsletters sent out since last report: 5

  • Subscribers: 139 – down one from last report

  • Average opening rate: 50 – 60%

Website Traffic Stats

  • Unique visitors to the site are up 2%, year over year.

  • News page and downloads page are most visited, calendar and results are close behind.

  • Most traffic is coming from US, Canada, Singapore and China.

  • Least amount of traffic is coming from South Africa and Vietnam.


  • Directors to be re-elected for two year terms are: Katie Keim, Judy Nordstrom, Leslie Burket and Paula Briney. All have agreed to be on the ballot.

  • Paula suggested that we reach out to the membership to see if others would like to join us, either as an elected or appointed director. Great idea, Paula!

  • Teresa will email members and Judy will post it on social media. Teresa will ask Martin to post it in the Centerline Reader before we send out the ballots on October 1st.


Board members have offered a variety of ‘educational’ ideas’ that have been floating around throughout the year.

  • Paula Briney will be hosting a Betsy Steiner Clinic in October at Pratense Farms. Betsy is a well known rider and clinician and her clinics fill quickly. Auditing will be a unique option if you would like to participate. There will be no fee to audit but, if you enjoy your auditing session, a bucket will be available to accept donations on behalf of the clinic. Paula did say that most ride times are filled but give her a call and claim that last ride! A ride in the clinic will be $285 per session. If you want to ride in the clinic or have any questions, contact Paula Briney at 217 652-1635.

  • Betsy has graciously agreed to present an hour lecture during the potluck lunch.

  • Alice made a motion that CLD pay for an hour lecture ($285.00), plus one night accommodations, for Betsy Steiner. Marilyn seconded the motion. All agreed and the motion carried.

Other ideas for winter education include:

  • Hosting a known chiropractor who would explain, while working on the horse, the value of chiropractic, as well massage, and how they are different but the same.

  • Horse Nutrition: Sort through the many feeds and nutrients available and how to decide which is best for your fantastic horse!


We had a lengthy discussion about CLD partnering with Arab, Inc. for their April 2022, show at the Fairgrounds. Marilyn was asked to follow up with Arab, Inc. She informed the board that it was no longer an option, because we did not follow up with them. Alice shared that she did respond to Chelsea, President of Arab, Inc. but has not received a response. Marilyn says that Arab, Inc. board has not met yet so we still may have that option. Teresa will contact Chelsea to see if that is still an option and how we can work together for a successful show.

If we don’t have the option to partner with Arab, Inc., we could try Icebreaker at the fairgrounds and hopefully, break even. Paula stated that it cost approximately $1,000 to rent the covered arena and barn 14. It looks like the first weekend in April, 2022 would be open to hold the show. Schooling shows are tabled until we know if we will be partnering with Arab, Inc.

CLD 2022

The proposed slate for CLD 2022 elections, will be Teresa Litchfield, Leslie Burket, Katie Keim and Judy Nordstrom. As our deadline usually falls around our Annual Awards Dinner Banquet, we will execute the voting for officers, via email, to be completed prior November 3rd.

Paula made a motion to adjourn, Marilyn seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 8:16pm.

Respectively Submitted,
Leslie Burket, Secretary


January 30, 2022 MEETING MINUTES


August 15, 2021 MEETING MINUTES