August 15, 2021 MEETING MINUTES

CLD Board Meeting Minutes August 15, 2021

President Teresa Litchfield called the meeting to order at 7:12pm. Attending were Leslie Burket, Katie Keim, Paula Briney, Marilyn Weber and Alice Martin (a tad late).
A warm welcome to all!

Treasurer's Report - Katie Keim

  • Checking: $6,177.31

  • Savings: $27,003.45

  • Total net income: $3,342.51

  • Firecracker net income: $134.40

  • Classic net income: $3,461.57

  • Pending receipt of two Sponsorship forms for the show.

  • Hats off to you, Katie - for always providing your report. Much appreciated! We had some super results this round!

Classic Show

  • A very successful show, enjoyed by all! We made $3500 - that's fantastic! Hats off to all involved in the fine execution of the Classic Shows - could not have done it without everyone's help!

  • Teresa checked all the stalls and no extra ones were used, only the stalls that were reserved were used.

  • There will be no Classic Shows next year. A new Classic show date was not negotiated.

  • Discussion followed re: expanding schooling shows (having more than two), hook up with Arab Inc., find another venue, etc. Options continue to be discussed.


  • Teresa is working on the Slate of Officers. The offices that are up for re-election are President - Treasurer - Secretary and one board member.

  • Towerhill Equestrian Centre is hosting a schooling show on 9/8/2021. Joan Pecora will be the judge.

  • Work is underway to make our 2021 Annual Awards Banquet the best ever! Look for updates that will be coming!! Hope to see everyone there!

  • Paula mentioned that Betsy Steiner may be here from Oct 22-24.

  • Horse Fair will be March 4, 5, 6 2022.

  • Leslie Burket is our 2021 GMO delegate.

  • Paula Briney is our 2021 PM delegate.

  • Remember - no Classic Shows next year.

Paula motioned and Marilyn seconded to adjourn the meeting. Teresa so adjourned at 7:48pm.

Our next meeting will be Sunday, September 19th at 7:00p.

Respectfully Submitted,
Leslie Burket


September 19, 2021 MEETING MINUTES
